Climate Prospective

Hello, I am young man named Manoli on the island of Samos, Greece. It is located right next to Turkey, in the Aegean Sea. I am a college student, I live alone in a small apartment, and have a few close friends. For work, I serve coffee on the weekends at a local coffee shop, while I have school during the week. Being a Mathematician is quite the line of work, I have one more year of schooling until I'll be qualified to teach.

The weather in Samos is wonderful, it's always a good time to go outside, even if it's raining. In this area, the climate is mild, and generally warmer. The amount of sunshine is excellent in the summer. The winters are usually rainy in Samos. The average annual temperature is about 18 degrees C. The rains amount to 630 millimeters (25 inches) per year and are concentrated from November to March.
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The best time to go to Samos is for beach life. It runs from June to mid-September. In early June, it can be a little cool in the evenings, so pack a sweater if you're already planning your trip. There are a lot of cantinas, and beach parties that don't stop until the sunrise.

I hope that it stays this way, because the climate is always changing, and I'm not exactly certain what will happen in the future of nature. Scientists predict that by the year 2080, all of Greece and surrounding countries will be very, VERY, hot. Now, I don't know if I will be alive until then, but I hope that future generations will survive such scorching temperatures. (

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If the climate were that hot today, it would change my life drastically. I would definitely have to have an air-conditioner in my house, with plenty of water. I wouldn't be able to go the beach for a swim as often as I do and I would have to just stay indoors a lot more. If it stopped raining in the winter, I would have no choice but to get on the next ship and sail towards fresh water.

I hope that climate patterns change and temperatures start dropping. I like it hot, but not that hot. I might just have to live underground if it continues like this. Although my hope for the future is bright, I hope the scientists are not right. And if they are, then we must act now.

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Pavli Papadakis
(Project 1)


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